Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Walmart: the new scapegoat

Look at this crap: Another anti-Walmart rally:

A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest private employer, must face a class-action lawsuit alleging as many as 1.5 million female employees were discriminated against in pay and promotions.

Man I am getting sick of these employees trying to screw their boss for their lack of talent, skill, and ability. If it's such a BAD place for employees, how did they achieve this?

Wal-Mart was recently named one of the "50 Best Companies for Latinas to Work for in the United States" by LATINA Style Magazine. Wal-Mart was chosen because of its programs and initiatives that help Latina professional working women.

Wal-Mart was recently named one of the "Top 40 U.S. Companies for Diversity" by Black Enterprise magazine. The publication also listed the company as one of the "10 Best Companies in Marketing Diversity." Wal-Mart was selected because of its continued commitment to diversity, both internally and externally.

Wal-Mart has established a $25 million private equity fund for women and minority-owned businesses to empower entrepreneurs.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there were few women who might've been discriminated, because let's face it, there's bound to be one stinkin' apple in the harvest in a company of 1.5+ million employees.

Side note: These Walmart employee women were definitely NOT sexuallyharassed. Have you ever been these women? They look like a hybrid between a sumo wrestler and a train wreck. If they were sexually harassed, that has to be the biggest case of beer goggles.. EVER. And don't let me get into the women who SHOP at Walmart. Eck. They make the Walmart employee women look hot.

Why should the entire company suffer as a result of few bad apples? And what do people expect from people who make minimum wage in their 50's and 60's? World class mannners? Walmart is like the freakin' military. You go there because you have no choice, not because you wanted to.

This is another classic example of people trying to get free lunch. Instead of trying hard to create value like entrepreneurs like Sam Walton, who built the company from scratch, these people are out to screw every successful business out there. What's with this mentality of, "oh you're rich? then i'm gonna sue."

These assholes have no idea how HARD it is to start a company and to make it. What it takes. What kind of pain and mental anguish entrepreneurs have to go through TO make it. These dreamkillers, when asked for help, don't give a damn about the dreamers. When they do make it, oh... it's HUNTING season.

And what about these lawyers that make a living out of finding faults of companies or people with deep pockets? Fuck kind of lawyers are we producing? They're lack of moral sensibility and integrity makes the US the country with 90% of the world's lawsuits. If you ask me, these morons can't sell their shit so they have to prey on the successful by bitching and complaining about what is WRONG with the world.

I wouldn't be surprised if these moron employees and f*cker lawyers are in the same boat as these retarded gov' employees and officials who think big companies are automatically evil. Why break up Microsoft? Did they stifle innovation or enhance innovation? Why force stupid Sarb-Ox laws to companies that had NOTHING to do with Enron scandals and have been good with their accounting all this time? Why punish Walmart for the mistakes of the few?

Do you know who gets hurt in these moronic litigations? Us. The consumers. Same as the payout they demanded from Morris and Phillips. The company is gonna relay the cost of the litigation to the REST of the consumers... and it's WE that end up paying for it all.

I am sick of people saying Walmart is evil. If it's so evil, why da f*ck do you still shop there?

Walmart is good. Walmart is GREAT! It singlehandedly raised the standard of living of even those with minimal income, by making everything CHEAP!

Listen people. Stop blaming others and look at your damn mirror. There's nothing wrong with the world. It's you.

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