Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cynical Bastards of Capitalism

According to Tech News World (author: Chris Maxcer),

Microsoft has announced plans to offer a limited version of its Office software suite to schoolchildren in developing countries for the price of $3 per copy. The program has been compared to the One Laptop Per Child initiative in its attempts to modernize nations; however, it may also be viewed as a move for Microsoft to build markets in places that are now looking at alternatives such as Linux.

What kind of cynical b*tching is that? Microsoft, led by the most generous man ever in the history of human kind, decides that it's going to pretty much give away their product for free to bridge the digital divide, and this is the SHIT Chris Maxcer can say?

So in these people's view, NO ONE can or will ever do good in civilization unless there was some greedy intent behind it. I'm f*cking sick of these people.

Get a life! Don't be a whining little rat just b/c you can't build a successful company. Point fingers? Well, if you haven't done shit to solve any problems, don't be critical of others who are trying!

Get a life, Chris Maxcer. You only exist b/c you are good at whining and complaining. Pathetic.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Unions Should Die

According to this news article,

Trying to stop the erosion of organized labor, union leaders are looking beyond their core auto and steel industries to recruit service workers making low wages and professionals worrying about losing their health care.

The new faces of unions are immigrants working at construction sites, hospital nurses, parking lot attendants, mechanics and casino dealers—all groups who are unlikely to lose their jobs to overseas workers.

Total sham. What is the purpose to which unions were originally formed? Protection of the employee against the big bad wolf called businesses, right?

Now, look at what they are doing! The organizers are of unions doing this to protect THEIR jobs at an organization being wiped out, NOT by businesses, but by forces of economy! The fact and matter is that unions are dying b/c they're no longer needed! Why are they no longer needed? Due to the nature of the "brain" economy, businesses HAVE to treat the employees well otherwise they risk losing their most important assets: workers who KNOW how to run the businesses that they are in.

Unions are like dinosaurs: they cannot exist anymore b/c the economic conditions have changed. Unions, like taxes, make the economy inefficient, making US uncompetitive in the international marketplace. We do not need them. The fact that they are looking for members in service based professions PROVES this.

You really have to ask yourself, are they doing it b/c they really care about people or are they just worried about losing their comfy offices where they park their FAT asses all day and push paper around?